You might be reading this in the morning. That means you are likely getting ready to engage a day at work. Regardless of whether the work is paid or volunteer, at home or in an office, it is still work. How do you view work? Is it something you must do or get to do?
In Genesis 2.15 we read that God put Adam in the garden to work it. Adam’s job was to work in the garden and protect it. We can talk about our stewardship of the earth on another day. So, today think work. Work is from God. Work is not a bad thing. Granted, certain aspects of most jobs are not what we enjoy. But in God’s original design, work is something He created. And he created us to work.
Do you see work as something God calls you to do? If it is legal, moral, and does not violate the precepts of Scripture it is legitimate work. It may be that the struggle you have with work is rooted in a misunderstanding of work. Since God created work, and created us to work, we should have an optimistic attitude toward work. Also, we can improve our outlook on our jobs when we view our Jesus as our boss, (Col. 3.23). And of course, whatever kind of work you do, perform your responsibilities so that God will be glorified, (1 Cor. 10.31).
Father, thank You for Work. Thank You for giving us jobs that benefit society. Show us where our attitudes are wrong. Lead us to new challenges in our work. And remind us that ultimately, we work for You and Your glory.
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