What do you see when you look in the mirror? You see a reflection of…well, you. You compare the image in the mirror with what your ideal image should be. If things are not what you like, you change them. Maybe you need to shave. Maybe you need to brush your hair. Whatever needs to be done, the mirror shows the truth.
In the opening chapter of the Bible, we read about God’s work in creation. Then we read how God created human beings in His image. That means we are a reflection of God. The reflection of God is not seen in our physical body. God is Spirit. So, we reflect the spiritual image of God. For us, unfortunately, sin has shattered that image. We reflect the image of God, but in a distorted way like your image is when you look in a broken mirror. Yet, vestiges of the image of God remain within us.
One of the primary goals of the Christian life is to grow and develop so that we reflect the image of God more fully. This takes place as we exchange our old sinful habits for the new life that Christ has for us. This transformation also takes place when we regularly practice spiritual disciplines. The spiritual disciplines are things like prayer, worship, Bible reading, fasting, silence, solitude, service, study, and others.
Father, thank You for creating us in Your image. We know that sin has distorted that image. We know that we reflect You about as clearly as a carnival mirror reflects the reality of what we look like. But by Your grace and work in our lives, we know that the image of You is being restored little by little, (2 Cor. 3.18).
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