How to Enter the New Year.

The year is winding down.  We just have a few days left before a new year begins to unfold before us.  This past year had some good times but also some challenges.  For those who follow Jesus, who have a Christian worldview, we ask ourselves, “How do we enter a new year in a way that will honor God?”  It seems to me that we have three choices.

The first choice is to look only at our circumstances.  Consider the opening of Ps. 121.1.  The Psalmist looks at the hills in front of him and wonders from where he will get help.  This is horizontal look.  This is one option we have.  This option has us fixing our full attention on what is in front of us.  Usually we focus on the challenges, problems, or our personal fears. 

The second choice it to look up to God.  This is a vertical look. Starting in v2 the Psalmist declares that his help comes from the Lord.  His glace moves above the hills to the heavens and the earth and the One who made it all.  This wonderful Psalm then goes on to talk about how much God will care for His people now, for our future here on earth, and our time in eternity.  

So, what is the third option?  It seems to me that we ought to do both.  We live in this world and because of that we need to be stewards of all that God has put in our care.  Also, we are accountable to God for how we live.  That we are accountable means we are responsible.  So, we must pay attention to our circumstances.  We must maintain a horizontal look.

At the same time, I think we can also keep our eyes on God in a vertical look.  More than that, I think our primary focus should be fixed on God.  This Psalm deals with the horizontal look for one verse, then spends the next seven on the vertical look.  Fixing our eyes only the things of this life can lead to frustration, anxiety, and hopelessness.  Fixing our eyes only on God can lead to a neglect of our responsibilities of evangelism, justice, using our gifts and many other things.  

So, as you enter 2022, here is a suggestion that may make the year better.  While you take care of the thing God has placed in front of you, let your primary focus be upon God.  No matter what happens around you, you can rest in the fact that God will take care of you now, tomorrow, and in eternity.  Relax, God is going to take care of you in this new Year.